Micro-reolwyr a rheolaeth PLC

Microcontrollers and PLC contro

Mae dulliau gweithrynhyrchu modern yn gwneud defnydd mawr o systemau microbrosesydd i reoli robodau a systemau cydosod awtomataidd. Defnyddir dau fath o brosesydd:

  • Y rheolwr rhesymeg rhagluniol (PLC)
  • Y Micro-reolwr

Mae'r Rheolwr Rhesymeg Rhagluniol (PLC) yn gyfrifiadur digidol sy'n cael ei ddefnyddio i awtomeiddio systemau diwidiannol. Gall un cyfrifiadur PLC reoli llinell cydosod gyfan mewn ffatri. Yn wahanol i gyfrifiaduron cyffredin, mae'r PLC wedi ei greu i reoli nifer fawr o fewnbynnau ac allbynnau. Mae cyfrifiaduron PLC yn gallu gwrthsefyll ymyrraeth trydanol, eu hysgwyd a'u tarro.

Mae'r Micro-reolydd yn system gyfrifiadurol gyfan o fewn un sglodyn. Mae Micro-reolyddion yn cynnwys Uned Brosesu Ganolog, cof, a phwyntiau mewnbynnu ac allbynnu. Ceir Micro-reolyddion o fewn peiriannau fel ceir, ffonau symudol, offer golchwaith, ac offer perifferol i gyfrifiaduron. Bydd dyfeisiadau mewnbwn ac allbwn yn cynnwys switsiau, relái, solenoid, LED, arddangoswyr LCD, a synwyryddion data fel tymheredd, lleithder, golau, ayyb.


Fe gafodd y PLC ei ddyfeisio fel ymateb i ofynion y diwidiant ceir America yn 1968.

Modern manufacturing uses microprocessor systems to control the many robots and automated processes found in factory assembly lines. Two types of processors are used:

  • The programmable logic controller (PLC)
  • The microcontroller

The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a digital computer used for automation of industrial processes. One of these PLC computers can control machinery on the factory assembly line. Unlike general-purpose computers, the PLC is designed for many inputs and outputs. PLCs are resistant to electrical noise, vibration and impact.

The Microcontroller is a computer system on a single chip. Microcontrollers include CPU, memory and input and output connections. The majority of microcontrollers are inside other machinery, such as automobiles, telephones, appliances, and peripherals for computer systems. These are called embedded systems. Typical input and output devices include switches, relays, solenoids, LEDs, LCD displays, and sensors for data such as temperature, humidity, light level etc.


The PLC was invented in response to the needs of the American car industry in 1968.