Llunio Rhwydi
Net Construction
Rhwyd yw’r ffurf 2D sy’n gwneud defnydd pacio 3D. Fel arfer, ceir llinell dorri, llinell blygu a thab gludo ar rwyd.
Rhwyd ciwb yw rhwyd chwe ochr ble mae gan bob ochr yr un dimensiynau.
Silindr yw dau gylch a hyd sy’n mesur yr un fath â chylchedd y cylch.
Pyramid trionglog
Mae gan byramid trionglog bedair ochr drionglog o’r un maint a’r un siâp.
Prism Hecsagonol
Rhwyd chwe ochr yw prism hecsagonol. Mae hyd bob ochr yr un maint ag ochrau’r hecsagon.
Nets are the 2D form that makes a 3D piece of packaging. Most nets include a cut line, fold line and glue tab.
A cube net is a 6 sided net with each side measuring the same dimensions.
A cylinder consists of two circles and a length that measures in length the circumference of the circle.
Triangular based pyramid
The triangular based pyramid has 4 triangular sides of the same size and shape.
Hexagonal Prism
The hexagonal prism is a six sided net with each side’s length the same size as the sides of the hexagon.